Newborn photos are one of the most beautiful childhood souvenirs that you can give to yourself and your baby. The early days and weeks of your baby are precious as they change very quickly. This is why more and more parents are trying to capture this extraordinary period of life in a photograph during a unique newborn session.
Bearing in mind how fragile and delicate newborns are, I take great care to provide them (and you) with comfort and safety during the newborn session. Below are some answers to frequently asked questions.

The first few days of a Baby's life are the best moment for a newborn photo session and a meeting with a newborn photographer. In our photo studio, we perform newborn sessions up until the 21st day after delivery (although there are exceptions to this rule ). It is true however, that the sooner the newborn session is held, the easier it is to work with your baby. What to expect? For the initial couple of weeks - days 6 to 14 - the baby is calm and usually sleeps most of the session (with breaks for feeding and changing), which allows you to make lines of beautiful photos and makes the session run quickly and efficiently. In exceptional circumstances, for example due to an extended stay in hospital or birth of a baby with low birth weight (less than 3 kg), or a premature baby (earlier then 38 weeks), we could organise a newborn session even up to 6 weeks of age. We set the date of the session individually.

It is best to plan a visit to the photographer during the newborn session during pregnancy. We accept reservations even 3-4 months in advance, At the booking stage, we will set an initial date of the session - usually about 7-10 days after the due date. This date is not final and requires confirmation after the baby arrives . As only 5% of babies are born on time and due to various random events, the date of the newborn session may be postponed.
We will confirm the booking via phone call or facebook messenger. For the reservation, we need your details: name and surname, email address and telephone number. Early booking requires a reservation fee of £50, which will be deducted from your final pay.

A newborn session means a change of the environment for a baby who is just getting used to the outside world. That is why our meeting takes place in the rhythm of your child's needs. We devote enough time to feeding and letting your baby to fall asleep. A newborn session usually lasts about 3 hours. I suggest that you do not plan any other activities for the day of our meeting.
If older siblings will participate in the newborn session, the session may be extended to 3.5 hours. The newborn session begins with photos of the baby him/herself, giving you time to warm up and prepare for family photos. Family photos, which are an important, if not the most important part of the newborn session, are taken in the second part of the meeting.

Newborn sessions and other photo sessions will take place in my studio in Kettering, where I provide ideal conditions guaranteeing the safety and comfort of your baby and all the necessary accessories: clothes, hats, blankets, baskets, buckets, etc.

Each newborn session consists of two parts - a session of the baby him/herself and family photos. I then invite the parents to the session with the little model, before asking the older siblings to join in. It is crucial to provide the baby with comfortable conditions, therefore it is important that during the first part of the session, there are as few people as possible in the studio. It is best if the siblings join us only for the time of family photos. There are many attractions near the studio, including, for example, Wicksteed Park, where dad / grandmother or babysitter can go with the sibilings.
Family photos are usually taken at the end of our meeting.
An important note: due to the safety and hygiene measures in the studio, sessions with pets (dogs, cats) are organised only after prior arrangement of the terms of cooperation.
Are there any reasons to postpone the newborn session?
There may be reasons to postpone the newborn session:
Skin issues: baby acne / skin allergy , which makes the newborn's face completely covered with pimples. In this case, we would suggest to wait until the skin changes disappear sufficiently to allow the imperfections to be retouched.
Mum feels unwell after childbirth - if you feel extremely weak after giving birth, we would postpone the session until mum feels better.
Prematurity: a newborn session is set when the baby gains strength and weight (preferably over 3 kg).
Medical conditions

The following events do not affect the timing of the neonatal session:
Jaundice (without the need for radiation therapy) is not a contraindication to a newborn session - it is actually a factor that favours the neonatal photographer. The high level of bilirubin in the baby makes the child sleep more and therefore the newborn session is faster and more efficient.
Birth changes on the newborn's skin, e.g. hematomas, discoloration
Flaky, dry skin on the newborn's body - exfoliation is a natural process that does not affect the baby's comfort.
Baby weight loss: we encourage you take food with you for the session. The newborn should be fed regularly at the meeting, according to the schedule or on demand.
A lot of questions arise about the newborn session for babies who have colics. In my experience, the colics itself is not a contraindication to a newborn session, this condition often lasts for several days or weeks (colics usually last up to 3 months of a child's life). We only arrange babies with tummy problems in poses that are comfortable for them.
By booking a newborn session with me, you are entrousting me with your greatest treasure. You can be sure that your baby will be taken care by someone with a pair of very experienced hands. The safety of your baby is my upmost priority, so I will take care to ensure that appropriate conditions are met during our session:
♡ adequate room temperature,
♡ protection and proximity to parents,
♡ safe and stable items and accessories used in the scene,
♡ clean clothes, hats, blankets, etc.
In the studio, we take care of cleanliness so that fledgling models can safely move around in our interiors. So we do not enter the part of the studio where we photograph children in shoes.
My studio is kept exceptionally clean - the room is washed after each session